March on for the March CDP Deadline!


In the Australian Legal Community, March 31 is the equivalent of “New Year’s Eve” minus the fireworks (unless of course, you have not completed your compulsory professional development points (“CPDs”))!

CPD Seminars in 2020

In February 2020 and March 2020, I presented some CPD seminars to groups of civil litigators. The seminars focussed on judgments of the High Court of Australia in the last 12 months with a particular focus on topics relating to civil litigation.

There were 50 judgments delivered by the High Court of Australia in 2019. Many of these have special interest to civil litigators on topics such as the extent of legal professional privilege, legal costs, contractual interpretation, caveatable interests, statutory unconscionability and improperly obtained evidence (the first case of 2020).

By way of summary, the decisions I focussed on were the following:

 Published Case Notes

My case notes on the above judgments are published in the Law Society Journal (LSJ):


If you would like more information on the above topics, please feel welcome to contact me.


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