How value translates.

Providing value in flexible and transparent methods.

Fees & Engagement

At the beginning of every matter, I discuss with each client our mutual expectations about the fee structure. Key in this discussion includes what work will be performed and when and how much will be payable (either fixed or estimate) and on what basis.

My cost agreement is tailored for each client and matter. Typically, the engagement structure includes the following options (or a combination).

Time Based Fee

Work that is charged on an hourly or half/day rate. A nominated rate is established and I charge on the basis of the time I have spent at the agreed rate. This is the conventional basis for fee agreements.

Fixed Fee

Work that is performed on an agreed fix fee basis. A set price for the work is agreed (for example, conducting a case in the Supreme Court of New South Wales or advising on the effect of a contract). Regardless of the time spent, the set price applies. This enables certainty of fees from the outset.

Monthly Retainer (Short Appearances)

A fixed ongoing monthly fee is payable for appearing in up to a maximum quota of short appearances each month in any Courts/Tribunals in Sydney CBD (typically up to 8 a month).

Examples of short appearances include directions hearings, return of subpoena and uncontested or simple motions. An appearance retainer is typically for a period of at least 3 months and can be up to 12 months.

Monthly Retainer (Advice Work)

A fixed ongoing monthly fee for legal advice up to a maximum duration per month (usually up to 10 hours). An advice retainer is typically for a period of at least 3 months and can be up to 12 months.


Other methods of charging can be agreed on a case by case basis.

Sample Costs Agreement

Follow this link to see a PDF Version of a Sample Cost Agreement.


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