A conversation can save a life

Ask.  Listen.  Encourage Action.  Check in.

September 10 is R U OK Day; a national call to action to remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you ok?” if someone you know is struggling with life’s ups and downs.    

For members of the legal profession, it is a reminder to reach out to our fellow members of the profession, now, and any day when a colleague is in need.   No deadline can be more important. 

For members of the profession who might not know where to turn, some wonderful and accessible initiatives have been set up to help.

Services for Lawyers

The Law Society of NSW has many services including the Solicitor Outreach Service (SOS), a dedicated and confidential psychological service for NSW solicitors. Access to this support is only a phone call away on 1800 592 296.

Other services include:

Online mental health resources

A range of online mental health resources are available including:

For Barristers

In addition to the above services, the following programs exist for Barristers:


Ask.  Listen.  Encourage Action.  Check in.


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