Over 18 years of tailoring legal solutions.

Discover more about Talitha Fishburn.


I was called to the Bar in 2012.

My legal career started as a solicitor in 2005 with Allens Arthur Robinson (now Allens Linklaters). After several years in its corporate and litigation departments, I was promoted to Senior Associate and specialised in commercial disputes. I then worked as a specialist disputes lawyer at Westpac Banking Corporation.


I attended the University of Sydney for my tertiary education. I hold the following qualifications:

Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Master of Laws

Legal Solutions

I am to provide an excellent legal solution for each client.

This might mean pursuing traditional avenues (such as obtaining an order from a Court or Tribunal) as well as alternative avenues such as bringing parties together to resolve disputes such as mediation.

Ethos and Values

I am committed to diversity and inclusion.

My values of strength, resilience, courage, honesty and reliability underscore my professional approach.


Outside of my professional life, I enjoy sport and music.  I am a violinist in several ensembles and sing in the NSW Bar Choir.  Recently I was a cast member in the augural Bar Revue.

I volunteer as a Barrister at a local Community Legal Service.


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