The Invitation
A Calendar invite appeared
A more interesting than usual zoom calendar invite appeared in my calendar not so long ago.
Zoom, Zema, piZZa…
It was an invitation to make pizza! From Demetrio Zema of the law firm Law Squared!
Before I knew it, my fingers were moving on the keyboard as though kneading dough and accepted the invitation without a flicker of hesitation!
The Package
All dressed in Black
A few days later, an express post parcel arrived at home. The postal worker handed me the parcel – it looked like the shape of a folder.
“Standard work delivery”, I thought.
Looking more closely, I saw that the sender details were “Law Squared“. Suddenly, it twigged, “Zoom, Zema, piZZa“!
And sure enough, inside the wrapping was a customised black Law Squared Box, about the size of a shoe box, brimming with essential goodies, including:
- Pizza dough making ingredients (flour, salt, yeast)
- Italian dried herbs
- Chocolates (just because)
- Home made pizza sauce (yes, home made, by Demetrio Zema)
- A bottle of Caberet Sauvignon 2016 from the Zema Estate based at Coonawarra.
- Instructions about the Pizza Care Package.
Zema Label
The Wine; the Pizza Sauce
The Wine was superb. A dry, full bodied style of Cabernet Sauvignon with a balanced palette and elegant flavours including blackcurrant and herbaceous aromas.
As for the sauce, I don’t know the secret recipe. But I must find out. Demetrio said he spent all Saturday making it. It certainly tasked like it was a labour of love. Delicious!
The Magic begins
We logged in at 4:30pm. There were about 30 or so other participants (friends / family within the home were also welcome).
The format was seamless.
Demetrio explained how to to make the dough and we went through it together. We had some “first time” cooks and even they were off to a rocking start.
Before long, we had our dough mixed. Then we set it aside for 30 minutes (tip, put it in a warm place with a blanket on the top of the bowl).
While we waited for the dough to rise we spoke about what toppings we were using. A few daring souls chose to use pineapple (apparently frowned upon in classical Italian cuisine but much loved in Australian pizza toppings).
Then we played “Pizza Trivia”. Yes, pizza trivia – 3 rounds no less. A question that stumped everyone was which nation consumes the most pizza per capita….NORWAY! Who would have thought! Another interesting trivial fact was that in 2001, Pizza Hut delivered a pizza to space!
Before long, the dough had taken form and risen. And it was time to prepare the base and add the toppings!
Dressed and ready to go
Choose your own topping
I chose a simple set of toppings; mozzarella, olives and crushed garlic and chilli (along with the Zema secret sauce).
The Result?
It worked! The pizza looked (and tasted) like pizza!
Positivity: laughing, sharing, learning
The vibe was positive and fun. Everyone seemed to be genuinely having a great time.
Laughing, sharing, learning. There were even some kids in the background donning the aprons and making the most of their kitchen stadium.
It struck me that the activity was possibly one of the most creative lockdown activities around. And, even if it was not lockdown, I would do it again in a flash.
On a more serious note, I was also moved by the generosity and creativity of the multitalented Demetrio Zema! And that acts of kindness can brighten the lives of a number of people in the space of 2 hours.
Definitely a memorable and fabulous activity and superbly executed.
Thank you so much to Law Squared and to Demetrio Zema!