A Sydney Barrister.

Effective legal services and a commitment to justice.

Get to know me.

A website for you about me.


My legal career spans close to 20 years including over 10 years as a Barrister.  Discover more about me including my legal experience, education, and ethos as well as my commitment to providing a legal solution for my clients. 


I provide specialist advocacy and legal advisory services. Discover more about the full range of these services including conducting cases and providing legal advice.


I have specialist legal knowledge including in the areas of Commercial Litigation, Corporations & Insolvency, Property, Equity & Trusts, Corporate Social Responsibility, Regulatory and Family Law. Discover more about my specialisations.


I support clients across multiple industries. Discover more about my typical clients.


I am committed to flexible, fair and transparent fee methods. Each client’s situation is unique and my approach offers a tailored fee structure. Discover more about the fee options available to my clients.


Read my journal for articles on legal developments and current awareness issues in the legal industry,


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